We are thrilled to announce that Studio123 partner, Nico Taus has received a 40 Under Forty award from Northern Ontario Business.
The 40 Under Forty Awards celebrate community leaders under the age of 40 who contribute to Sudbury’s growth through volunteering, personal success, entrepreneurship, leadership and community building. It was to the tune of The Ramones’ Blitzkrieg Bop that Nico accepted his award — fist-pumping.
Nico is Partner, Creative Director, resident tattooless punk at Studio123 and has helped many of our clients communicate better. Nico lives and breathes entrepreneurship, having started his first design agency at age 20. He believes in the power of good design to solve complex issues, help companies and organizations communicate better and to help support social causes.
Outside of the office, Nico’s engagement in the design and arts community is demonstrated by his volunteerism with the Programs Committee for the Association of Registered Graphic Designers (RGD), his involvement in the formation of the Sudbury Design Society and his role on the Murals Programming Committee for Up Here – Urban Art & Music Festival.
Join us in celebrating a great guy.
Hey! Ho! Let’s Go!