Ville du Grand Sudbury

Branded Discover Sudbury masthead for the City of Greater Sudbury

En tant qu'agence de référence du Service de développement économique de la Ville du Grand Sudbury, Studio123 aide à promouvoir ce que la capitale du nickel a à offrir au monde entier. Nous racontons ce qui rend la ville remarquable avec des designs de qualités et des visuels captivants. Au cours des années, nous avons produit un large éventail de matériels numériques et traditionnels pour stimuler le développement économique et attirer des visiteurs et de nouveaux venus de la région, de la province et du monde entier.

Photographie par Flofoto et cinématographie par PWL Films
Various digital banner tourism ads for the City of Greater Sudbury
Side by sides examples of Explore Sudbury branded billboards featuring the outdoors
Photo of young couple canoeing on Ramsey Lake in front of Science North in Sudbury, Ontario
Fall scene of a man standing in the forest with his mountain bike
Photo of young family having a picnic at Ramsey Lake in Sudbury, Ontario
Custom illustration of home with trees and clouds
Custom illustration of city buildings with heart over it
Custom illustration of home with trees and clouds
Custom illustration of city buildings with heart over it
Economic Development brochures and banner designs for the City of Greater Sudbury
Custom illustration of working men and women
Custom illustration of graduation cap
Custom illustration of working men and women
Custom illustration of graduation cap
Woman holding a blue Sudbury, Ontario tote bag with Greater Sudbury Economic Development branding
Collage of Greater Sudbury Economic Development graphic templates for social media
Side by side Economic Development print ads for the City of Greater Sudbury
Various print spreads from the City of Greater Sudbury's Visitor Guide
Print spread from the City of Greater Sudbury's Visitor Guide
Print spread from 2022 Visitor Guide City from the City of Greater Sudbury